Miramonte Parents' Club
Miramonte Parents' Club
California ranks 33rd in the nation in cost-adjusted per-student spending, spending $3,000 less per student than the national average and half of what New York spends on its students. Based on the formula the State of California uses to determine funding for our public schools, our district receives the lowest level of per-student funding possible.
AUHSD spends just over $18,000 per student. Piedmont and Los Gatos receive close to $22,000 per student, Tamalpais receives $23,000 per student, and Palo Alto spends just over $30,000 on each of its students. In spite of the fact that all of these schools receive more funding from the state than Miramonte does, they all ask parents to donate to the local schools so that they can do even more for their students.
The fact is that public funding is simply inadequate to provide the exceptional education we all want for our children. Miramonte families are asked to provide supplemental funding to bridge the gap between what public funding provides and what our students need to succeed in college or the workplace after high school. Our students deserve an engaging educational experience, and Miramonte works every day to provide that.
Each year, the ONE-Miramonte budget is proposed by our principal (in consultation with teachers and staff) and Parents' Club leadership. The Parents’ Club is responsible for raising these funds from our generous Miramonte families. Without these donations, Miramonte would be a bare-bones high school.
The generosity of our families helps Miramonte bridge the funding gap, enabling the school to offer each and every one of our students the following enhanced educational experience:
Providing all this to Miramonte students will cost $1,302,000 this school year. The per-student ask is $1,800, and we ask all families to contribute because all Miramonte students benefit. Gifts of any size are appreciated and gratefully accepted.
If you have any questions about fundraising at Miramonte, please contact Jill Hughes, Parents' Club VP of Fundraising.
If you’ve read this far and are still eager to delve deeper into the realm of school funding, we invite you to explore the following informative resources: