Miramonte Parents' Club
Miramonte Parents' Club
Welcome, new Miramonte families!
We are so excited to welcome you to our fantastic and supportive school community in August 2025! Starting the new school year at a new school is always exciting and busy. We know you’ll want to connect with our school community right away, so be on the lookout for communications we’ll send out in early August with information about our new parent coffee and other not-to-miss events scheduled during the first weeks of the school year.
Save the date for the Matador Showcase on May 6, 5pm-8pm. This event will feature a Q&A for new families with administration, teachers, counselors and student leaders. RSVP and submit questions HERE
We're here for you! If we can help your family in any way during the transition to Miramonte High School, please reach out to the Parents’ Club Board. We look forward to working together with you and your family to continue to make Miramonte the amazing place that it is.
Please browse the list below for answers to frequently asked questions, and find your class page under the Class News & Activities tab on our website.
All our best for a wonderful first year at Miramonte High School,
The MHS Parents’ Club Board
Mats Day is the official kick-off to the new school year and a proud tradition at Miramonte High School. Mats Day is a student-only event! Prior to Mats Day, parents must complete the entire Registration Checklist (emailed to parents over the summer). Students should bring their Registration Verification email and their Web Store receipts to Mats Day to ensure quick student processing. During Mats Day, students will have their school photo taken, obtain their Studen ID Card (with ABS Sticker, if purchased), complete an athletic health clearance if desired, pick up parking permits (11th and 12th graders) and textbooks, and receive their class schedules. First-year students will attend First-Year Orientation with our amazing Link Crew, which involves fun team-building and a tour of campus by spirited upper-level students.
We know that sometimes school fundraising can be confusing, and you may be thinking, "Who funds what?" ONE-Miramonte, Athletic Boosters Club, Associated Student Body (ASB), and Class Activity Fund …. here at Miramonte, we're all ONE TEAM with ONE DREAM ... to enrich every Miramonte student's journey!
Due to the state’s education budget, we rely on Miramonte parents to fill the funding gap so that we can offer academic classes, sports, and many, many extras to our students. These four “players” make up the ONE TEAM that supports our students’ high school experience and ensures our students have access to outstanding academic enrichment, community-building opportunities, sports, performing arts, and so much more. The funds raised benefit 100% of Miramonte students and are spent in the current school year. Without these funds, our students would not have the rich high school experience we have come to expect at Miramonte.
Check out our Who Funds What? webpage ... We're All ONE Team!
Check out this page to learn why the Parents' Club raises money for Miramonte each and every year.
In the spring of 2020, Miramonte Parents' Club came together with the parent organizations from the five other Orinda public schools to create the ONE Orinda. ONE-Miramonte is the designated fund for all Miramonte donations held at ONE Orinda. Our ONE-Miramonte budget is proposed by our principal – in consultation with Miramonte teachers and staff – and Parents' Club leadership, is approved by the Parents’ Club, and is the responsibility of the Parents’ Club to fundraise for. Our budget reflects what our school needs in order to supplement inadequate state funding so that we can preserve our seven-period day, fund 19 additional class sections, maintain smaller class sizes, offer a robust College & Career Center, fully staff our Wellness center, provide AP and Honors classes, and deliver the academic programs that make Miramonte one of the best schools in the state. All donations to ONE-Miramonte support only Miramonte High School and benefit 100% of Miramonte students.
Student Class Officers, with the guidance of Class Parent Advisors, organize activities over the four years to raise funds for the major class events such as Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Breakfast, and Grad Night. These funds enable the classes to maintain reasonable ticket prices for these events, which enable all interested Miramonte students to participate in these class events. Fundraising activities include class t-shirt sales, snack shack sales, car washes, restaurant nights, and sales of Miramonte-themed gear and seasonal items. There is also an annual Class Activity Fund donation and several parent socials and fundraising opportunities throughout the year.
Associated Student Body (ASB) represents the interests and goals of the entire Miramonte High School student body. The ASB funds raised through the sale of ASB Stickers are managed by the Miramonte Student Leadership, who are elected by the Miramonte student body. These ASB funds are used to provide engaging activities, events, and services that benefit the entire student body, including our famous spirit rallies, guest speakers, dance DJs, student assemblies, clubs, brunch/lunch-time activities, and so much more.
The ASB Sticker also entitles students to the following benefits:
Those students who purchase an ASB Sticker before Mats Day (Monday, August 11, 2025) will receive their 2025-26 Student ID at Mats Day with their ASB Sticker affixed to it.
The Miramonte Web Store is the place to make your Miramonte-related donations and purchases. Find the Web Store here.
Head over to the Athletic Boosters website for information about sports funding, SportsNet registration, sports tryouts, practices, and competitions.
Yes! Each class typically hosts a fall and spring get-together in order for parents in the class to socialize and get to know one another. These events raise funds that support the budget of that class. Check your class page on this website and watch for your class emails for more information.
Parents and guardians will start to receive our weekly Matador News newsletter - beginning with the Back-to-School edition - prior to the start of school in August. Past issues of the current-year newsletter can be found here.
Email your name, email address, and student’s name and grade to VPCommunication@MHSPC.org. The Parents' Club sends out the Matador News (school newsletter), class newsletters and reminders, volunteer opportunities, and more.
Follow the Miramonte Parents’ Club on Facebook and Instagram for helpful reminders and updates throughout the summer and school year. You can also check out your class page on this website (under "Class News & Activities") and follow their social media. If you want to see what our clubs, classes, and sports teams are up to, check out our social media directory, Connect the Mats, and follow your favorites! Be sure to attend the parent meeting for your class (held in August or September each year) and the Parents’ Club meetings.
Are you interested in jumping right into volunteering? Miramonte relies on its parent community for expertise, resources, and volunteer time. We have so many enthusiastic parents who generously give their time to foster our tight-knit Miramonte community, and we always welcome new volunteers! There are many opportunities to help with varying degrees of time commitment and flexibility. If you'd like to roll up your sleeves and lend a hand, contact any board member for volunteer information, watch for volunteer sign-up opportunities in the weekly Matador News, or indicate your interest on this form.
Read the weekly Matador News and the periodic Class Newsletters. Follow our classes, clubs, and sports teams on social media (find them on our social media directory, Connect the Mats). Bookmark our website as well as the MHS, AUHSD, and Athletic Booters websites.
Peer tutoring is offered during Academy in the classrooms. Students have the opportunity to receive help on a variety of subjects from other students. Students can make an appointment using the TeachMore app.
If your student needs to leave early for an appointment, please call the Attendance Office in advance at 925-280-3933 to excuse the absence and leave details regarding the time of the appointment. All students must sign out through the Attendance Office when they leave for their appointments and then obtain an off-campus pass. When students arrive back at school from appointments, they must sign in to the Attendance Office.
If your student is leaving for a school event, lists are sent by coaches or teachers in advance to the Attendance Office. Teachers are notified of early releases so that students may leave class at the appropriate time without penalty.
Students can be dropped off at or picked up from the bus circle in front of the gym; however, many parents drop off or pick up their students on the other side of Moraga Way on Ivy Drive to avoid getting caught in campus traffic at peak busy hours. Wherever you pick up or drop off your student, please be patient with our student drivers and other parents, and always drive safely.
Do not -
Encourage your student to attend this year’s Club Day at school in September! It is held on The Quad during an extended lunch, and every club has a booth open and encourages students to sign up. We have over 100 clubs - there is something for everyone! Club meetings are typically held during lunch. Students should attend as many school-sponsored events as they can: sporting games, dances, performances, etc. It’s a great way to get involved and make friends. Sports are also a great way to meet new people and build a “family” at school.
Miramonte students must bring a charged electronic device to school every day in order to access instructional technology, online textbooks and databases, and a wide array of other online applications. Students may bring their own electronic device or check out a device from the school. Find more information here.
Yes! Find it here
The Miramonte Student Union (established in 2018) is located adjacent to the theater in the heart of our campus. Within the Student Union are spaces perfect for hanging out with friends, for group or individual study, for playing the available musical instruments and games, as well as access to our acclaimed Wellness Center on the lower floor. The Student Union is supervised by Miramonte staff.
Only juniors and seniors with valid parking permits may park on campus. Sophomores may not park on campus. Parents who visit campus may only park in the marked visitor parking spots in the staff and senior lots.
TeachMore is what our students use to sign up for their Academy sessions. Find more information here.
Aeries is the AUHSD system that parents and guardians access to view student information, grades, attendance, emergency contact information, and to complete the Fall Online Data Confirmation. Find more information here.
Canvas is a learning management system used by AUHSD and designed to simplify teaching and learning by connecting all of the digital tools teachers and students use in one easy place. Find more information here.