The Matador News is emailed to Miramonte parents and guardians on Friday afternoons. Below is a list of the guidelines to be followed when submitting an item for the newsletter.
- The firm deadline for submissions is no later than Wednesday by noon for the upcoming Friday’s issue.
- The subject line should read “Submittal for Matador News – mm/dd/yy” for the Friday publication date.
- Please send your submissions as an email or attached Word document (doc. or docx.)
- Please send just text. Please do not use bold, italics, different fonts or font sizes, tables, columns, boxes, etc.
- Please make your submission as clear and concise as possible, and limit your submission to no more than 250 words. Make sure you have included all important information such as dates, times, locations, and deadlines.
- If your article requires a link to other websites, email addresses, etc., please provide the entire website address or email address, and please make sure that the links work.
- Due to space constraints, we cannot accept (1) any digital graphics or images; or (2) any submissions that are not directly related to Miramonte High School students, MHS Parents’ Club, or the Acalanes Union High School District.
- All submissions are subject to editing for space, clarity, and conformity with editorial guidelines.
Please send all submissions by the deadline to both of the following email addresses each week: and
Questions should be sent to the MHSPC VP of Communication at