Miramonte Parents' Club
Miramonte Parents' Club
The mission of the Miramonte Parents’ Club is to enhance the education, welfare, and activities of Miramonte High School students through a partnership with Administration, AUHSD, and Miramonte students and parents.
Save the date for our next Parents' Club meeting on Wednesday, February 12, at 11:15 a.m. in the Student Union.
Save the date for the Matador Showcase on May 6th, 5pm-8pm. Q&A with teachers, administration, counselors and student leaders and check out the athletic teams at the Miramonte Sports Fair. Food trucks and Mats Merch available for purchase. RSVP and Submit your questions for our panelists HERE
If you are interested in learning more about our open volunteer positions for the 2025-2026 school year, please indicate your interest on this form and we'll get in touch with you. If you have any questions, please contact our Parliamentarian. There are jobs of all sizes and commitments, so please raise your hand and join us!
BECAUSE YOU GIVE, we were able to update some of the furniture in the library, staff lounge, and Student Union! These modest and thoughtful updates have improved the school environment for all Miramonte students and staff.
BECAUSE YOU GIVE, our students’ educational journey is expanded and enhanced beyond what state funding alone can provide, and we are profoundly grateful for your support. The impact of your generosity stays right here at Miramonte and transforms the campus experience for all students and staff. One hundred percent of all donations to ONE-Miramonte benefit are spent on programs, events, and initiatives that benefit 100% Miramonte students.
Many thanks to Parents’ Club board member and talented designer Alissa Lillie for all her hard work on this project!
February 2: Class of 2025 Moms' Night Out
February 3: Spring Sports Begin
February 3-7: Counseling Appreciation Week
February 5: AUHSD Board Meeting; 7pm, District Office
February 5: Class of 2025 Senior Ball Reveal at lunchtime; Senior Lawn
February 6: Class of 2025 Senior Ball tickets go on sale
February 8-10: Public Speaking - Stanford Invitational
February 12: Parents' Club Meeting, 11:15am, Student Union
February 14-17: President's Weekend; No School
February 21: Performers for Progress; 7pm MHS Theater
February 22: Regional Latin Quiz Bowl
February 28: Class of 2028 Parent Party
The Miramonte Parents’ Club is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID# 68-0229376.
Mailing address: Miramonte Parents' Club, P.O. Box 171, Orinda CA, 94563.
©️ 2025 Miramonte High School Parents' Club Inc. All Rights Reserved
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